Sunday, 10 May 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

2nd November 1978 at 11.31 in the night I became a mother. A planned and much desired baby, Mithun was born to me as I stood on a new threshold of learning in my life. Art and the realisation of my own womanhood became a simultaneous learning curve that Mithun grew along with, and today when he is 30 we share a relationship that is real and believable to both of us.

I have over the years through counselling encountered many situations where huge chasms of dislocation have occurred between mothers and their children, and where both sides often feel betrayed assuming that the other has failed them in abandoning the fight to hold on to a communication that could bridge the divide that shuts each other out.

Our modules of parenting often come from quarters that we ourselves held as suspect when we were young, and yet rarely do we reconsider what is appropriate to our specific conditions and circumstances, when we assume the mantle of motherhood. We often choose instead to pull along old stereo-types of conformity that are outdated to the context of our children's reality, and place far too much significance on the "approval ratings" we unconsciously seek from outsiders as gratification for ourselves.

The most successful mothers I believe are those who stay alert and look to guide via structures that seek to enable the abilities of their children, so that each day of learning in life is entered through a state of awareness by both the mother and the child. Where communication is considered to be a key that must fit the right lock, if it is to ultimately open it.

The skills of maternal nurturing are perhaps most needed in our teachers today, who embrace the space to impart ways of living and application of information, so that they can then extend this into the lives of children who as adults, will have to survive in the real world.

Motherhood is very special for me. I live each day in gratitude that I had this opportunity, and know for a fact that Mithun has taught me so much through the innocence of his eyes as a child, and the tenacity of his personality as a young man today.

Happy Mothers Day!

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