Monday, 3 January 2011

Let's revamp please...

I love irreverence when it is packaged well! Over the last year I have watched many talk shows on television, and I have always enjoyed Suhel Seth when I have caught him at his blustering best; putting forth arguments and views I generally agree with, with informed insight; but doing so with a passion of belief that is wrapped in wicked humour and delightful irreverence for the establishment. That he himself, with his head of attractively arranged grey curls (!) would most certainly be considered as being part of the establishment seems, to make little difference to this delightful gentleman; whose wardrobe is another factor that makes him number 1 on my favourite list of TV people for 2010!

It requires conviction to be yourself in spaces of public interaction, and at the same time to know that you hold responsibilities of caution and prudence that are necessary to exercise in such venues. It was interesting to catch the reversal of roles interview of Karan Thapper and Suhel Seth (devils Advocate on CNN IBN) as I channel surfed late last night. Apparently friends, they ribbed each other but yet laid on the platform a sequence of insights that allowed for an audience to feel one has looked under the skin of the other. If I was a CEO of a television network then I would certainly be queueing up outside Mr. Suhel Seth's residence to get him to sign on the dotted line, and host a talk show where political issues are discussed. He would bring a refreshing candour to the space of political debate in the media, because something tells me he cares little for false diplomacy and the games of playing it safe!

I think I would pair Niddhi Razdan and Suhel as co-hosts of a panel debate! She has an amazing elegance and straight forwardness to get to the point of an issue; and he has the mischief of the devil to provoke and bring responses and reactions by telling it as it is! Both articulate and informed people they would be dynamic as co-hosts. So let's liven up 2011 with less predictable anchored programmes, and bring in new faces and collaborations that hold credibility and new ideas. I for one, am beginning to fall asleep over what is being dished up on my idiot box these days. Rajdeep, Arnab, Pranoy.....are you listening?!


  1. many many thanks Rekha..deeply appreciate the kind words...


  2. Rekhajee, may I borrow some of your space to pay homage to a loved one and also bring to light the difficulties of migration, whether the reason be that of survival or ambition.
    From a highly educated family in Bangalore, (that's where the resemblance with you ends) after obtaining his MBBS degree, he proceeded to the UK to get his FRCS, got married (to an Indian) and decided to work in the beautiful county of Cork in Ireland...
    Unfortunately his wife's untimely demise wrecked up all dreams, left him widower at 40 with a 9 year old daughter.
    A brilliant surgeon, appreciated by his peers, he practiced for several years in Cork and later on in the Waterford hospital.He did not remarry nor did he return to India probably because his work and daughter were his major priorities.
    Inspite of being in Ireland for more than forty years, somehow he was unable to mingle entirely with the community and whenever he came to India for a brief holiday, he did not feel at home either.
    Since nearly a month he is in coma with a life supporting machine, all alone. His daughter, now in London, for professional reasons, could not stay with him indefinitely.
    So this is just another example of how one can be professionally successful yet miss out on personal happiness because your roots are elsewhere.
    I have met a great number of people who would have loved to return to their motherland had living conditions been more favorable.

  3. Hi Rekha. Hope u do not mind that I have joined here. I am a student artist from the U.K and was wondering if you had received an email from myself. Thanks

  4. Thank You Rekhajee for your sensitivity towards life's difficulties... In this world full of uncaring people, it is heartwarming to know that there are a few souls who are able to go out of their way to help a fellow being; I too strive to be in this minority, in the hope that this slowly gathers momentum in joined efforts to make our planet a better place.

  5. Hello Rekha,
    Roma Slack here (now Roma Devanbu). Though it has been many years my memories of Baroda are vibrant. No year of my life has had a bigger influence on the person I am today and on my art then the year I spent at Baroda. Still when I returned to the States I got swept up in my life here and lost touch with so many dear friends. May be it is a factor of my age but I feel a compelling desire now to reconnect with old friends and to thank them for just being who they are. So today I have searched a bit and found you here. I love your work and see your spirit so alive in it. You can see what I've been doing at I read here that you have been in the States, in fact in San Fransisco. I live in Davis, only about an hour and a half from SF. If only I had known. Will you be coming back? I don't want to miss any more opportunities. Do let me know. Your old friend, Roma

  6. Dear Roma,
    It is lovely to know that Baroda wraps you with it's memories! Thank you for your loving sentiments and for the embrace of your affectionate words. I look forward to seeing your works on your website.
    Good luck and I am sure our journeys will converge sometime soon; because that is the magic of life!
