Thursday, 9 February 2012

The thorn of the horny beast!

How can any self-respecting individual imagine that watching a gang rape is entertainment! It completely defies logic and brings to the foreground the huge issue of propriety in relation to sexual conduct in India. The emphasis that is placed upon women to conform to conservative modules of life-style as assurances that may guarantee them their safety from predators, is the moral farce of a country that in fact has too many men with their zippers open, and erectile dreams in our faces. Pornography for me is an absolute no-no issue, and I find it rather amusing when people want to pass off their dysfunctional sexual appetites for it as their democratic freedom. Any gender, any sexual orientation and any age does not provide me an excuse to condone this voyeurism that is both predatory and demeaning in nature.

What perhaps leaves me gob-smacked is the audaciousness of elected members of parliament who can sit so blatantly with their aroused libidos, and have wet dreams over atrocities that they in fact are supposed to be creating policies and laws to prevent from occurring. That they were allowed to resign instead of sacked/thrown out/banned from political office for five years/arrested and put behind bars, all shows the t true nature of the playground of political maneuvering within regional  party politics, that always keeps it's eye on the numbers game! Who gives a damn, or in this case should I say f**k,  about the  issue of ethics! 

The paradox of this entire depravity of the ministers is perhaps lost on these fertile sperm-spillers who loudly proclaim extremest views on women's behavior at the drop of a hat, or should I say palluv. Their  rampage of moral blustering where women have been slapped for wearing sleeveless clothes or visiting a pub, or being with a boyfriend,  is never seen as an impingement of the very fundamental rights of the freedom of Indian women. It is in fact lauded in the name of moral vigilantism by the very same political spaces of ideological sharing that the BJP affiliates to; and therefore these political parties with morality issues high on their campaign trail, (stated from self-proclaimed moral high-grounds), should do some serious introspection today.  Cadre of their own ilk who are violating the written laws of the land, and violating the norms of moral decency towards women, are now being protected by party spokespeople. What a travesty of truth that such an obvious act of willful denigration that is punishable by law, gets put on the back burner by senior BJP party members. Arnab Goswami perhaps for the first time held my total admiration, as he pressed home his point passionately, without bothering to appear objective as the anchor of the program towards the tainted ministers counsel.

Sleaze and debauchery is often so largely writ on the faces of far too many elected members of public office. Power and money are well known as the aphrodisiacs of corruption; and well unfortunately the aphrodisiac obviously too, for perverse sexual desires. 

Indian politics just sinks lower and lower every day. The ideas of fighting corruption gets swallowed up in the muck of layers of vested interest that leave no scope to focus on how to make India a more transparently functioning democracy. And no peoples' movement will ever see the light of day because big money and power will never hold real justice. 

Do I sound cynical, just OUTRAGED! The idea that elected members of  parliament can flaunt their sexual perversities for an entire nation to see recorded, and then flex their political muscles to save their skins is indeed a sad day for Indian democracy to reckon with. I am a woman and I certainly wish to register my intolerance for the leniency with which these individuals are being treated. If we are to call ourselves a democratic nation, then the protection of women's dignity and the safety of children are imperative issues to address. Clean up parliament and stop playing vote bank politics. The filth is fast becoming strangulating.

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