Wednesday, 11 November 2009

100.....and still going!

To all those who read my blog.....we are 100 blog posts old today! So let's sip chai and toast ourselves....hip hip and all that jazz!!! I think the idea of blogging appeals to me because it exists without any fanfare and is really about one's personal desire to approach others through communication. Who ultimately receives it or rejects it is so totally out of one's control, and it is this perhaps that I most identify with as being the value of blogging for me. The democratic platform of blogging where all voices can be heard or deleted without aggression or violence, and where nothing is taboo and everything is accommodated, is hugely liberating within a society that is increasingly strangulating itself with conservatism!

I choose to wear my passion for life on my sleeve unabashedly, yet believe too that there is a need for mediation of a just and fair perception, at all times. In my opinion, hysteria of any kind is to be avoided at all costs and the attempt should be that concerns are highlighted where the relevance of the issue can touch the sensibility of the other in a meaningful way. I choose to invite others to walk through my experiences and observations because whether trivial, profound or otherwise, the reason of sharing a "speak space" is to engage with the energies of others, and hopefully be nurtured by the sharing it provokes. I am exacting of myself and pose all situations to test my own vulnerabilities, so that in doing so at no time would I be absent of an accountability to the views I put out in a public domain.

As an artist all life must flow through my being if I wish to be impacted in ways that can transpose meaning through my art, for others. Like an eternal circle, things must be held in the consciousness of our awareness if we are to realise the potential of our own lives. To merely meander through our daily existence in a haze of isolation would dis-empower the soul that carries our spirit. We must dare enough to care, only then will the positive factors of human existence proliferate, and goodness not be drowned out by cynicism and despair. My blog posts are those spaces that keep my own conscience awake too.

So cheers to living life with passion and thank you for being with me all the way!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rekha,
    Congratulations....for the 100th post. I too had felt the same this year beginning when I posted my 100th blog piece.

    As you said, it is a sort of conscience awakening process; this writing and this sharing.

    I imagine these pieces as small little ships of ideas sent out to an unchartered sea of interpretations. We dont know the outcome; we dont know whether heavy storms and mammoth waves would drown it. But it is always good to see them wading through, from this shore.

    At times I ask myself why I write every morning? I never get paid for it. Nor do I get backpatting comments everyday. But something drives you from inside.

    Today I recognize that writing is a way of understanding oneself, defining purpose of one's own life, finding anchor in faithless times, and finding friends in a friendless world.

    The feeling of purity after each piece is finished...none can experience it than the writer him/herself.

    I have enjoyed your writings always. From your book published by Sakshi to the catalogue pieces to the blog posts.

    We all die and go. But these words will remain. The images that you have created by colors, lines and words will remain. And from each word the soul will burn like a dia. Like the chirags in Surendran's protagonist's body.

    It is wonderful to share you world of words and ideas.

    Let there be thousands of postings in the coming years.

    love and respect

